
dearest friends,
i have a very important question & opportunity for you!
have you. ever. wanted to make your own riccota cheese?!
truths- this is one of my favorite things to make. you really only have to wash, like, three dishes.. the active time is maybe five minutes.. and it makes you feel like a badass because you are all “sup grocery store, gimme that milk & cream and I’LL JUST MAKE MY OWN.” okay, so i don’t know if it is actually cheaper.. news flash- cream is kind of expensive. but sometimes a girl’s just gotta put her hands in the dirt or something. did this just get weird?

(most bloggers would probably insert a note right here that says “adapted from..” but truths again- this is straight up copied from smitten kitchen.. with tons of love, of course! read about her ricotta dreams here)

/3 cups whole (or whatever you have) milk
/1 cup heavy cream (i used whipping cream.. is there a difference??)
/.5 teaspoon salt
/the juice of one lemon – 3 tablespoons – about .25 cup

step 1! pour milk, cream, & salt in a med-large stainless pot. Heat over medium-ish heat, stirring as much as you want, until a thermometer reads 190 degrees.
step 2! remove from heat. pour in lemon juice & give it a few quick stirs. now leave it alone for five minutes while it gets all gross!
step 3! line your biggest sieve, or colander with the most & smallest holes (salad spinner inserts are perfect) with cheese cloth (i buy the expensive kleenex-brand paper towels– which, when doubled, work better than cheese cloth in my opinion.) place the colander/strainer/whateva over a bowl that is bigger & deeper.

step 4! slowly pour the chunky lemon-milk into the strainer & let that baby drain. after an hour, you can scoop it into an adorable container & store it in the refrigerator for about a week or so. If you wait two hours, it will continue to thicken & have the consistency of cream cheese- which i have not yet been disciplined enough to experience.. but i am not complaining!

this stuff is pretty much mind blowing when served simple- on toasted bread.. either savory (these are quick-pickled onions) or sweet with honey & fruit.. OMG. this fluffy white stuff is also amazing with warm orzo pasta or rice.. and in yotam ottolenghi’s stuffed cabbage recipe from plenty.
